SSH Access

Free SSH access for your server

With the Semi-dedicated 2 setup you’ll have SSH access rights to the server, provided free of cost. Thus, it will be easy for you to instantly access the server’s terminal and interact directly with the machine, without needing to use the Web Hosting Control Panel.

Due to the specific nature of our Linux semi-dedicated packages, the SSH access won’t give you root rights. You are able to work with your data files, databases, email and everything involving your websites, but you just can’t modify the server’s configuration.

SSH Access

Free Dedicated IP

Completely free dedicated IP address for your machine

We include a no-cost dedicated IP with the Semi-dedicated 2 server setup. A dedicated IP address will let you instantly setup an SSL certificate for your web site or register your individual name servers that will point to your own IP address.

The dedicated IP address is freely available to use just after you connect to your Web Hosting Control Panel. Additionally, if you need extra dedicated IP addresses, you can get as many as you need at a promotional rate through your Web Hosting Control Panel.

Free Dedicated IP

24x7 Support

Ask us anything. We are here for you round the clock.

Just waiting forever to receive a reply from the technical support team may be very discouraging, irrespective of how insignificant the situation is. That is why, right here, at Small Business Network Administrators, we give a one hour reply period guarantee, and our skilled technicians typically reply in under 20 minutes by way of the ticket system built–into the Web App Installer. They’re available for you 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.

24x7 Support

Email Manager

Your all–embracing e–mail managing application

The point & click Mail Account Manager will enable you to create new e–mail accounts, set up your own auto–responder messages, forward e–mail, configure e–mail filter systems and manage the degrees of anti–spam safeguard with ease. Also, in case you are more skillful in terms of software, you can make use of the integrated anti–spoofing (SPF) protection solution.

Email Manager

A Website Installer

Develop your own website straight away

Our deals offer you a magic formula to build your own site, no matter if you possess any geeky proficiency. With the Website Installer built into the Small Business Network Administrators Web App Installer, setting up your individual or small business webpage is a breeze. Just decide on the kind of site that you want and the design theme of your liking. we will install your spanking new site right away and will post you details on how you can maintain it with a mouse–click.

A Website Installer

VPN Access

Browse unnoticeably from virtually any device

If, for whatever reason, you need to mask your digital foot print, we have the ideal solution for you. With any of our Linux semi-dedicated packages, you can easily obtain VPN admission and have your arriving and outgoing web traffic re–routed via some of our VPN data centers. And you can easily make use of the same VPN configuration settings on any unit that is connected to the web – your PC, your notebook, your cell phone, and many others.

VPN Access

File Manager

A drag & drop interface

Working with the File Manager found in the Web App Installer feels like employing your desktop file manager. You can always add a data file or folder to the web hosting server or the other way around with a simple drag’n’drop exercise. At the same time, you can easily create, re–label, move, duplicate and remove data files and folders with a click of the mouse. The code manager and the WYSIWYG manager will assist you to alter your files from within the Web Hosting Control Panel. In case you want help, you could make use of the built–in step–by–step video lessons.

File Manager

  • Service guarantees

  • Small Business Network Administrators’s Linux semi-dedicated packages are set up for you without cost. 99.9% uptime guarantee. SSH access. No–charge Control Panel included.
  • Compare our prices

  • Examine the instruments and features made available from Small Business Network Administrators’s Linux semi-dedicated packages. Start with a smaller server package and move up with a mouse click when your web presence gets bigger.
  • Compare Semi-dedicated servers
  • Contact Us

  • Our representatives are online round the clock to reply to all queries with regards to Small Business Network Administrators’s Linux semi-dedicated packages. 1–hour reply time frame guarantee.